About Elliot
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : The Democratic Candidates VS Green Bay - Eric Drzewiecki
Eric Drzewiecki, joins Elliot for this episode of Political Radar Green Bay. They discuss how will Warren and Sanders policies effect Green Bay and it’s large population of insurance industry employees whether Andrew Yang is sane and knows math, whether Capitalism needs an image re-write
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : The Policies that REALLY Matter - Chuck Collier
Chuck Collier, Co-Editor/Reporter for the Denmark News joins Elliot for this episode of Political Radar Green Bay. They discuss local engagement in the political process, corporate influence on lawmakers, and the death of the American family farm.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : The Crimes of Eric Genrich - Phil Jennerjahn
Phil Jennerjahn joins Elliot for this episode of Political Radar Green Bay. They discuss the voting record of Green Bay's newest mayor and the conservative view of the 2020 presidential election.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Public School Problems with Jacob Jones
From Newmakers Network’s Milwaukee studio Elliot discusses the problems with public school with Jacob Jones, Political Radar’s Producer. They discuss the problem of school shootings, the red tape placed on school volunteers, and a recent case of alleged sexual assault from a school employee from Green Bay Southwest High school.
Blind Partisan Episode : Our Pending Recession
Many economists agree that the world is heading to another recession. In this episode Elliot and Jacob discuss how bad the next recession may or may not be, what we can do to prevent it (nothing), and how we should hold those responsible for the previous recession accountable.
Blind Partisan Episode : Trump’s Racist Attacks
Donald Trump attacked 4 congresswomen* *collectively know as “The Squad”via Twitter. These attacks have been called out by many as racist, however the deciding factor on if it was racist or not seems to be party affiliation.
Blind Partisan Episode : Post 4th of July Special
The 4th of July is a day for Americans to look back at their countries proud history.....or is it? The rise of authoritarianism and cynicism towards the government and wilsonianism intervention has left some Americans more jaded to patriotism/nationalism. Now the controversial president of the US, Donald Trump has set his sights on making the day about him. How will that go over?
Blind Partisan Episode : Break Up Big Tech
Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple are all giant tech companies with massive reach. Recently, some politicians have proposed plans to break up these companies for various reasons. Jacob and Elliot discuss why this may or may not be a good idea and the general control of corporations on America
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Jason Jerry
Jason Jerry, the founder of the Greater Green Bay Society of the Llama and a community activist is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Jason talk support for new media, the future of Green Bay under it's new mayor, and local happenings like controversies over liquor licenses.
Blind Partisan Episode : 2020 Presidential Election Primary
It is about time for the 2020 Presidential Election Primary. In this episode, Elliot and Jacob discuss the announced candidates and what their goals are.
Blind Partisan Episode : The Electoral College, Yay or Nay
Changes to the way we vote in the US have been a hot topic over the past few weeks with several states changing their voting systems. In this episode, Elliot and Jacob discuss the effects of the electoral college and some of the alternate systems we could use.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Joe Moore, Mayoral Write-in Campaign
Joe Moore, one of our most frequent guests and candidate for mayor is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Joe talk about the results of the mayoral primary, why Joe is pushing a write-in campaign, and what steps we can take to attract people to move to Green Bay.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Interview with School Board President Brenda Warren
Brenda Warren, one of Green Bay's School Board candidates is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Brenda talk about the steps made to improve the school district and Washington Middle School, security measures in schools, and how/when to cut administrative jobs.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Interview with School Board Candidate Eric Vanden Heuvel
Eric Vanden Heuvel , one of Green Bay's School Board candidates is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Kristina about why people leave the school district and thinking outside the box.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Interview with School Board Candidate Kristina Shelton
Kristina Shelton, one of Green Bay's School Board candidates is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Kristina about teacher hiring and why she is running.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : 2019 Green Bay Mayoral Election Primary Results
Jacob Jones, the producer of Political Radar is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot and Jacob discuss the surprising results of the 2019 Mayoral election Primary for Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Interview with School Board Candidate John Jahnke
John Jahnke, one of Green Bay's School Board candidates is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot asks John about changes that need to be made to the school board and why John is running.
Political Radar - Green Bay Episode : Interview with Mayoral Candidate Joe Moore
Joe Moore, one of Green Bay's mayoral candidates and a former three term alderman is this episode's guest. In this episode, Elliot asks Joe about his expected outcomes for the race, the things that set hime apart from the crowd and more.
Blind Partisan Episode : Interview with Green Bay Mayoral Candidate Pat Evans
Pat Evans, one of Green Bay's mayoral candidates and the Brown County Supervisor for District 9 is this episodes guest. In this episode, Elliot asks Pat about running car fines, how to balance the city's budget, and the lessons to learn from Monopoly.
Blind Partisan Episode : Interview with Green Bay Mayoral Candidate Mark Steuer.
Mark Steuer, one of Green Bay's mayoral candidates and Green Bay's Alderman for District 10. In this episode, Elliot asks Mark about the things that set him apart from the crowd andhis reaction to the town hall debate.
Blind Partisan Episode : On to 2019 - and the 2020 Election?
The midterm election was a pretty major success for Democrats and has lead to many questions of what will happen in 2019 and beyond. Elliot and Jacob discuss the chances of a Donald Trump Impeachment and throw out some crazy ideas for who might run for president in 2020.
Blind Partisan Episode : Interview with Green Bay Mayoral Candidate Nick Mortensen
Nick Mortensen is one of several candidates running for the position of Mayor in Green Bay, WI. In this episode, Elliot asks Nick about the current political climate in Green Bay and what distinguishes him from the other candidates on the ballot.
Blind Partisan Episode : Veteran's Affairs and Supporting Our Troops
The past few weeks have heated up debates over how we as a nation treat our soldiers both current and past. In this episode, Elliot and Jacob discuss matters like the abysmal state of the VA, disrespect to fallen soldiers, and the current mobilization of troops to the southern border.
Blind Partisan Episode : 2018 Midterm Election Results
In the Midterm election Democrats made some expected gains while stumbling in some areas. In this episode, Elliot and Jacob discuss the results of the election, some of the races that weren't focused on much, and the tense race for Governor in Wisconsin between Tony Evers and Scott Walker.
Blind Partisan Episode : Voter Suppression in the 2018 Midterms
The purging of voter rolls to influence the 2018 midterm election has been a big problem in the past few weeks. This episode Jacob and Elliot discuss their thoughts on voter suppression and make some predictions for the 2018 election.
Blind Partisan Episode : Green Bay Board of Education Problems With Rhonda Sitnikau
Green Bay Board of Education Trustee Rhonda Sitnikau is our guest on this episode of Blind Partisan. This episode Rhonda and Elliot discuss the inner workings of the Green Bay Area Public School District Board of Education and some of the challenges Rhonda has faced since being elected to the board.
Blind Partisan Episode : Voter Suppression in the 2018 Midterms
The purging of voter rolls to influence the 2018 midterm election has been a big problem in the past few weeks. This episode Jacob and Elliot discuss their thoughts on voter suppression and make some predictions for the 2018 election.
Blind Partisan Episode : Money in Politics
Many US voters have fears over the influence of money in politics. This episode Jacob and Elliot discuss their thoughts on money in politics, Lobbyists, and the impact of Super PACs and dark money.
Blind Partisan Episode : NAFTA VS New NAFTA + Some Rants
President Trump has announced a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico to amend NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). This episode Jacob and Elliot discuss their initial reactions to the new NAFTA deal and have some fun ranting about who knows what.
Blind Partisan Episode : Kavanaugh Accusations
3 Women have come forward and accused supreme court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault. This episode Jacob and Dalton discuss how this may effect his nomination and how Republicans and Democrats have responded to the allegations.
Blind Partisan Episode : Hurricane Florence and FEMA
Hurricane Florence Ravaged the US East coast and now Elliot and Jacob discuss our nations response to hurricanes, how (or if) FEMA should be funded, and the effects of global warming on hurricane frequency and intensity.
Blind Partisan Episode : Working in the Trump White House
The chaos of the Trump White House is the topic of this Blind Partisan episode! Jacob and Elliot discuss the anonymous op-ed written by a trump white House staffer in this episode.
Blind Partisan Episode : Tech Companies VS Politics
Elliot and Jacob discuss the feud between President Donald Trump and Google on this episode of Blind Partisan. As usual, they take several detours to discuss whether tech giants should be treated as utilities, whether “facts” can have implicit bias, and some creepy examples of tech companies spying on people.
Blind Partisan Episode : Wisconsin Race for Governor with Phil Anderson and Patrick Baird
Elliot, with special guests Phil Anderson and Patrick Baird of the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin discuss the race for the positions of Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin and the challenges that arise for them as third party candidates on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss some of the most pressing issues to Wisconsin Citizens like schools, the legalization of Marijuana, and Foxconn.
Blind Partisan Episode : Alex Jones
Elliot and Jacob discuss Info Wars Host Alex Jones on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the recent purge of his content from several major platforms like YouTube, Itunes and Spotify. They discuss censorship and where the line should be. They also discuss the battle between content creators and the platforms they publish on.
Blind Partisan Episode : Trump and the Media
Elliot and Jacob discuss President Donald Trump's relationship with the media in this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how both media on the left like MSNBC and media on the right like Fox News perceive the president as well as the interactions of Donald trump on social media.
Blind Partisan Episode : Tariffs
Elliot and Jacob discuss the trade war currently brewing between between the United States and Canada in this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how tariffs in general hurt both parties, which countries have the largest tariffs and why the US federal government is being aggressive with trade.
Blind Partisan Episode : Russia
Elliot and Jacob discuss the relations between the United States and Russia in this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss some of the acts that Russia has committed, Whether Russia is an enemy of the United States, and whether US President Donald Trump has been compromised by the Russian given recent meetings between Trump and Putin in Helsinki, Finland.
Blind Partisan Episode : Supreme Court
Elliot and Jacob discuss the United States Supreme Court on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the announced retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy, his nominated replacement Brett Kavanaugh and the problems facing our justice system
Blind Partisan Episode : Landlords, Parodies and Medical Marijuana with Wendy Coriell
Wendy Coriell joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the legalization of Marijuana, especially for medical uses. They also discuss negative experiences with landlords and the shakeups with city council.
Blind Partisan Episode : Hotel Tax and Expo Center with Erik Hoyer
Brown County Supervisor Erik Hoyer joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss Brown County's controversial sales tax, the benefits of reducing the county's debt, and the need to fund the new expo center.
Blind Partisan Episode : Wheel Taxes and Sales Taxes with Kathy A. Hinkfuss
Green Bay City Council Candidate for District 12 Kathy A. Hinkfuss joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss Green Bay's wheel tax, the number of years the tax should last, and how much constituents approve of an increase to sales taxes.
Blind Partisan Episode : Hotel Tax and Expo Center with Erik Hoyer
Brown County Supervisor Erik Hoyer joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss Brown County's controversial sales tax, the benefits of reducing the county's debt, and the need to fund the new expo center.
Blind Partisan Episode : Sales Tax.. Let the People Decide with Eric Drzewiecki
Brown County Board Candidate for District 4 Eric Drzewiecki joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how the Brown County Sales tax should be put up to a referendum, how non voters are created, and whether or not taxes are theft.
Blind Partisan Episode : The Issues That Matter to District 2 with Veronica Corpus-Dax
Green Bay City Council District 2 Candidate Veronica Corpus-Dax joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the likely losses that Colburn Pool will incur and how Green Bay can attract young professionals.
Blind Partisan Episode : Running for Local Government with City Council Candidate Shannon Spoehr
Green Bay City Council District 7 Candidate Shannon Spoehr joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss what drives a citizen to run run for public office for the first time and the disenfranchisement voters.
Blind Partisan Episode : Paying for the Pool with Green Bay Alderman Chris Wery
Green Bay City Council Alderman for District 8 Chris Wery joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the shipyard project and what roadblocks led to the Green Bay bullfrogs moving to Ashwaubenon. They also talk about the numbers behind Colburn Pool and how it could pay for itself.
Blind Partisan Episode : Fixing Green Bay Dysfunction with City Council Candidate Brian Johnson
Green Bay City Council District Candidate Brian Johnson joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss respecting the opinions of peers in City Council to get projects done, getting rid of personal issues and moving forward for the city, implementing term limits, what the job of the city is to provide to the public, fixing roads, implementing a wheel tax, and public safety.
Blind Partisan Episode : Colburn Pool and Council Dysfunction with City Council Candidate Debbie Jacques
Green Bay City Council District 8 Candidate Debbie Jacques joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss the Colburn Pool project and why opinions from constituents are mixed on the issue and how the pool plans will change the Colburn area. They also discuss the dysfunction of the Green Bay City Council, how it can be fixed, and how disunity causes Green Bay to lose potential developers and development projects.
Blind Partisan Episode : Get to Know the Candidate with Green Bay City Council Candidate Vanya Koebke
Green Bay City Council Candidate Vanya Koebke joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss Vanya's plans and opinions on matters in Green Bay for why he is a good fit to run for City Council. Vanya also talks about being pro tax payer, wanting to attract new businesses, fixing roads and sidewalks, abolishing assessment taxes for roads, implementing a wheel tax, and the current dysfunction in City Council.
Blind Partisan Episode : Wheel Tax Doubts with Green Bay Alderman Randy Scannell
Green Bay Alderman Randy Scannell joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how a Wheel Tax could be beneficial to road repair for Green Bay and taking costs heavily off of citizens living along roads being worked on. They also talked about some of the issues that may arise from the Wheel tax such as increasing costs over time.
Blind Partisan Episode : Wheel Tax with Green Bay Alderman Bill Galvin
Green Bay Alderman Bill Galvin joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how a Wheel Tax could be beneficial to road repair for Green Bay and taking costs heavily off of citizens living along roads being worked on. They also talked about city budgets, city staff layoffs, and the price of road assessments.
Blind Partisan Episode : The State of Wisconsin with Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Jeff Rumbaugh
Wisconsin Gubernatorial Candidate Jeff Rumbaugh joins Elliot on this episode of Blind Partisan. They discuss how Jeff's views differ from lifetime politicians, what Care. For REAL. means, school safety and openness, and....bees?
Blind Partisan Episode : Brown County Tax Payers Association with Tom Sladek and Rich Heidel
Tom Sladek, Treasurer and Rich Heidel, President of the Brown County Taxpayers Association join Elliot Christenson on the first episode of Blind Partisan on Newsmakers Network. They discuss the association’s lawsuit against Brown County related to the new county sales tax which began on January 1, 2018. Additionally, they discuss the different forms of taxes used in Brown County for economic development, and prioritizing money to work on beneficial community projects and much more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Heidi Fagre and Laura McCoy
Heidi Fagre and Laura McCoy candidates for the Green Bay Area Public School District school board, join Rhonda and Elliot to discuss their stances on the current state of education. They discuss teacher salaries, the role of principals, changes that need to be made to retain teachers and paying teachers based on performance.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Marian Krumberger
Brown County Republican Chairwoman Marian Krumberger, joins Rhonda and Elliot to clarify the platform of the Brown County Republican Party. They discuss the party's involvement in non-partisan elections, how the party trains new candidates, the values of the Republican party, and marijuana legalization.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Troy Streckenbach
Brown County Executive Troy Streckenbach, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss what his job entails. Topics covered include the Brown County Library East Branch, Public Health Division on Broadway in Green Bay, and the importance of the STEM Innovation Center to the community.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : The State of City Hall Live at Kavarna
Live from Kavarna Coffeehouse, it's Political Radar! Green Bay Aldermen Bill Galvin (district 4) and Chris Wery (District 8), join Rhonda and Elliot for Political Radar's first ever live recording. Topics covered include recent events at Green Bay City Hall, Hotel Northland, team building, homelessness, along with many other questions asked by viewers.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Brenda Staudenmaier
Human Health Activist Brenda Staudenmaier, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss the removal of fluoride in communities. Topics covered include the effects of fluoride when consumed by humans, EPA, Green Bay's history with fluoride, dental bias, the cost, possible options to limit the consumption of fluoride in the Green Bay area.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Jim Schmitt
Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss questions from the Political Radar Community relating to Green Bay. Topics covered include Northland Hotel, Immigrants, Student Housing, City Council, and Infrastructure.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Dave Hansen
Wisconsin State Senator Dave Hansen, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Wisconsin politics. Topics covered include redistricting, SB13, and Education.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Dr. Hector Rodriguez
Dr. Hector Rodriguez, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss immigration policies. Topics covered include productivity, ethics, President Trump, sanctuary cities, and fear imposed on the public from poor media coverage.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Wendy Coriell
Green Bay Sausage creator Wendy Coriell, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss the background of Green Bay Sausage. Topics covered include political satire, Green Bay Politics, and the sole reason why she started political satire.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Jason Wied
Attorney Jason Wied, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss the legal side of many varying topics in the Green Bay. Topics covered include the legal issues surrounding certain elected officials, if Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt was fairly charged, ethics behind charges, what it takes for an elected official to be removed, Green Bay hotel development fiasco, and addiction.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Garritt Bader
Local Real Estate Developer Garritt Bader, joins Rhonda and guest host Brian Danzinger on this episode of Political Radar to discuss what it takes to make a great city through real estate development. Topics that were discussed were: Attractive physical spaces, Tax Increment Financing, tax payer benefits, cultural development, employment base and education, and other amenities used in creating an ideal community.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with John Becker
LGBTQ Activist, John Becker joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Donald Trump's Cabinet in regards to LGBTQ rights. Topics that were discussed were: discrimination, military service, public restrooms, marriage equality, and religious freedoms and what it can entail.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Andrew Hetzel III
Andrew Hetzel III joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss his first impressions of local government. Topics that were discussed were: the Colburn Pool veto, what the Green Bay political scene entails, and whether exercising gun rights in government buildings should be allowed.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Allyson Watson
Allyson Watson joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Green Bay community development, and pedestrian and bike safety. Topics that were discussed were: Infrastructure, expanding upon outside ideas from other communities, traffic calming, crosswalk murals, urban living, the Saga of the SOUP Grant, attitude towards bikes, and plastic signs versus human lives.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Cassandra Lynn and Tricia Nell
Cassandra Lynn and Tricia Nell join Rhonda and Elliot to discuss he dysfunctional reality of the city council. Cassandra offers input on the origins of the Colburn Pool renovation and how the end result will effect the Colburn community. Also, Trisha offers legal insight into the decision of the council to hire an independent attorney to process Mayor Jim Schmitt.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Joe Moore
Alderman Joe Moore, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Green Bay issues. Topics covered include outdated thinking, development, city drama, voting, homelessness and unemployment, Packer tax, and budget concerns.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Kevin Pranis
Kevin Pranis the Campaign Director at LIUNA one of the main organizations involved in the Dakota Access Pipeline, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss the history of the pipeline and it's controversies. Topics covered include the issue of whether the Sioux tribe expressed their complaints early enough in the process, the chances of a landslide causing the pipe to break and the financial cost of re-routing the pipeline.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Bill Galvin
Green Bay Alderman Bill Galvin, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Green Bay's local government. Topics covered were city planning, lack of infrastructure, the city of Green Bay falling behind on tasks, fixing roads, landlord- tenant issues, lead pipes and biased journalism.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Bill Meindl
Bill Meindl, joins Rhonda and Elliot to discuss Green Bay's local government. Topics covered were Green Bay city development, City Council, East Town Mall, Festival Foods, Brown County Library Branch, and Mayor Jim Schmitt working to make a real difference for Green Bay.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Phil Jennerjahn
Phil Jennerjahn, joins Elliot and guest host Tricia Nell on this episode of Political Radar for a Republican takeover. They discuss Donald Trump's victory and possible reasons for the outcome.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Election Roundup with Jacob Jones
Jacob Jones, one of Political Radar's Producers joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar to discuss the 2016 presidential election. They discuss possible reasons for the outcome, and recap what happened during the election.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Brandon Stevens
Brandon Stevens, a Oneida Nation Council Member joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar to discuss the Standing Rock pipeline. They discuss Brandon's first hand experiences on the front line with protesters against the pipeline, the risks involved with the pipeline, militarization, and the inhumane treatment of human life.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Eric Genrich
State Representative Eric Genrich, join Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss the issues with Green Bay's voting with the following topics: lack of early voting and weekend voting, election costs, residents unable to vote, student voting, voting suggestions, low cost of getting universal access to the electorate, and people leaving the city.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Noah Reif
State Assembly Hopeful for the 88th District, Noah Reif, join Rhonda and special guest host Adam Funk on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss the working class, environmental issues, quality of life in Wisconsin, local political control, importance of school funding and voucher programs, farms, and organizations.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Kyle Cropsey and Nick Faust
Millennials Nick Faust a Hillary Clinton supporter and Kyle Cropsey a Donald Trump supporter, join Rhonda and special guest host Adam Funk on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss the 2016 presidential election and how each candidates views stack against each other. They debate over immigration reform, gun control, student loan debt and economic policy.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Phil Anderson
Phil Anderson, a Libertarian running for the U.S. Senate, joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss many of the questions heard during the debate and why he was excluded. Several key issues brought up include: Gun rights, identity politics, military spending, student loan debt, family leave and abortion rights.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Paul Linzmeyer
Paul Linzmeyer, a board member of the Farmory and a the former chairman of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss what the Farmory Project is and how it can impact communities. Several key issues brought up include: Farm to School Programs, the differences between Hydroponics and Aquaponics, the impact of healthy, local foods on entrepreneurs, the environment, and the quality of life for everyone in our community.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Russ Feingold and Mark Becker
Russ Feingold and Mark Becker, join Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss bipartisan politics and infrastructure. Several key issues brought up include; our crumbling infrastructure, the lack of high speed internet in rural communities, how to entice entrepreneurs to move to Wisconsin, and the 2016 presidential race.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Matthew Rothschild
Matthew Rothschild, the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss campaign finance and political corruption. Several key issues are brought up such as gerrymandering, political disclosure, and corruption in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Shae Sortwell
Shae Sortwell, the architect of the Jim Schmitt Resign campaign joins Rhonda and Elliot on this episode of Political Radar. They discuss the current political climate in Green Bay. Several key issues such as how much transparency there needs to be for campaigns and who might be running for mayor are discussed.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with David Nennig
David Nennig, Green Bay Alderperson for District 5 joins the Political Radar crew to discuss several issues. They discuss the fate of Green Bay Mayor, Jim Schmitt, Colburn Pool, quadracycles, and short term home rentals (AirBnB).
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Eric Wimberger
Eric Wimberger, who is running for the Wisconsin State Senate for District 30 joins the Political Radar crew to discuss several key issues that are emerging in Wisconsin. They discuss the viability of marijuana legalization in Wisconsin and its challenges. They also discuss voter ID laws and how effective they can be at stopping fraud as opposed to the number of people that are negatively impacted. Then they debate how connected marriage and government should be.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Colleen Gruszynski
Colleen Gruszynski, formerly of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, joins the Political Radar crew to discuss the charges brought against Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt. Colleen explains in great detail the three counts in the criminal complaint, why the charges were plead down from felonies to a misdemeanors, why other charges were not included. Additionally, they discuss such topics as: Should donors be held accountable for giving over campaign limits? Why are unions able to fund candidates? Are campaign finance laws too difficult to understand?
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion with Lynn Utesch
Lynn Utesch, candidate for Wisconsin's 1st State Assembly District, joins the Political Radar crew to discuss many topics including why he is running for office, environmental issues effecting his district and issues with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' enforcement of regulations. Additionally they discuss the Republican's attempt to change the open records laws of the state of Wisconsin, drug testing for recipients of government benefits, the legalization of marijuana, who is funding Lynn's campaign and much more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt Pleads Guilty - A discussion with Randy Scannell
Randy Scannell, Green Bay Alder for District 7, joins the Political Radar team for the second time to discuss major controversies in Green Bay. They discuss Green Bay Mayor Jim Schmitt pleading guilty to several misdemeanor counts of campaign finance law breaking and what it will mean for the city's future. They also discuss Scott William's opinions on partisan versus non-partisan politics caused by Mark Becker's letter published in the Green Bay Press-Gazette.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Mark Steuer
Mark Steuer, Vice President of the Green Bay City Council and representative for District 10 joins Elliot and special guest host Lisa Hanson to discuss economic development in Green Bay. They discuss the importance of historic preservation, celebrations and festivals, Green Bay's change from being a car first community to supporting more bike lanes and trails, and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Pat Evans
Pat Evans, Brown County Board Supervisor for District 9 joins Elliot and Rhonda to discuss several controversies happening at the county level. They discuss #breastgate and the payout to corporation counsel, employees who may have been unjustly fired and the appointment of a county board member for a spot some feel should be Alex Galt's.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Chuck Rybak
Chuck Rybak, an Associate Professor of English and Humanistic Studies at the University of Wisconsin—Green Bay and owner of the Sad Iron blog (http://chuckrybak.com/) joins Elliot and Rhonda to discuss happenings at the University of Wisconsin. Chuck explains how the UW system receives funding, the plights of UW faculty members and how budget cuts to education affect the community.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Thomas De Wane
Thomas De Wane, Alderman for District Two of Green Bay's City Council and the council's president joins Rhonda and Elliot for this episode of Political Radar. They discuss how the stadium tax refund might be spent by Green Bay; whether it be on economic development or given back to taxpayers. They also discuss Green Bay's infrastructure and the proposed stadium.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Koby Schellenger
Koby Schellenger the Regional Field Coordinator for Planned Parenthood for Wisconsin joins Rhonda and Elliot for this episode of Political Radar. They discuss sexual education, abstinence only programs, stigmas about discussing sex. Additionally they talk about how Planned Parenthood is funded and programs Planned Parenthood offers to help adults learn how to help young adults with sexual education.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith, Green Bay's newly appointed Police Chief joins Rhonda and Elliot for an episode of Political Radar. (Spoiler Alert: He is not there to arrest them.) Chief Smith shares his unique view on how a small city like Green Bay compares to Los Angeles, where he was previously the LAPD's top spokesman. He also shares his ideas on how police/community relations can be improved.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Ned Dorff
Ned Dorff, former Alderman for District 7 on the Green Bay City Council joins the Political Radar team this episode. As a progressive educator, Ned brings unique perspective on how politics are perceived by children in our public schools. Ned also shares what it means to be vegan.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Alex Galt
Alex Galt, business owner, and former candidate for the 15th district of the Brown County Board of Supervisors joins the Political Radar team this episode. They talk about the experiences of running for office. They also discuss Alex's opponent's resignation shortly after winning the election.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Barbara Dorff
Barbara Dorff joins Elliot and Rhonda on this episode of Political Radar to discuss local issues to the Green Bay, Wisconsin area. They discuss the importance of bike lanes and maintaining roads and what it means to be a female Alder on Green Bay's City Council.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Terri Warner
Terri Warner joins Elliot and Rhonda on this episode of Political Radar to discuss race relations and how they affect black youth as they grow up. While discussing the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement, they also discuss how much of a nerd Terri is.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Devin Gatton
Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians who all support gay rights? Rhonda and Elliot are joined this episode by Devin Gatton, the President of the Wisconsin Log Cabin Republicans. Together they discuss the Log Cabin Republican's beliefs and the inclusion of conversion therapy in the Republican platform.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Cordero Barkley
How do race relations affect the city of Green Bay? That's the question asked today by Eliot, Rhonda, and special guest Cordero Barkley. Cordero is a self proclaimed community activist who loves to help those in need. They discuss what it is like growing up as a black youth.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Kim Klein Dorchester
When it relates to sexual education, what should public schools teach? That's the question asked today by Eliot, Rhonda, and special guest Kim Klein Dorchester. Kim is a concerned mother, community activist and a Political Radar fan. They discuss what messages and information children should receive in public schools.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Frank Lasee
Frank Lasee, Wisconsin State Senator for District 1 who is now running for the United States House of Representatives for Wisconsin's District 8 joins Eliot and Rhonda. They discuss what it is like running for Congress, federal budgets, gun control and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Nick Wautier
Nick Wuatier, Media Specialist at Camera Corner Studios and Elliot's partner on the Ideas By Elliot Podcast joins the Political Radar team to discuss the 2016 presidential election. Nick shares his feelings over being a Bernie Sanders supporter and even shares his thoughts on Political Radar itself!
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Phil Jennerjahn
On this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Phil Jennerjahn, who ran for Brown County Board Supervisor for district 4 and was a nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives in California's 28th Congressional District in 2012. They discuss the 2016 presidential election and the Brexit movement.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Noah Reif
On this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Noah Reif who is running for the Wisconsin State Assembly District 88 seat currently held by John Macco. They discuss many issues including why Noah is running, Wisconsin's Private School Choice Programs, and the Green Bay Area Public School District policies on sexual education.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Adam Funk
On this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome gemologist, fashion blogger and member of the On Broadway, Inc. board, Adam Funk. Together, they discuss the tragic shooting at a gay night club in Orlando, FL and how it relates to terrorism and gun control. They also discuss the house democrat "sit in" that followed this event.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Tom Sieber
On this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Brown County Supervisor Tom Sieber. Together they discuss many issues that affect Brown County including Colburn pool, closed session hearings and term limits for local and county government.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Scott Furlong
In this episode of Political Radar, Elliot and special guest host Lisa Hanson who sits on the Green Bay, Wisconsin Plan Commission, welcome Scott Furlong, the Dean of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a Professor of Political Science for the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. They discuss gun control issues, personal security and The 2016 presidential election.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Gun Control Laws and Mass Shootings
In this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot discuss gun control following the horrific mass shootings at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. They discuss how gun control relates to mass shootings. They also share ways that Political Radar fans can help support the show.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Mike Gallagher
In this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Dr. Michael Gallagher, who is running for the 8th congressional district seat currently held by retiring Reid Ribble. They discussion many national issues including the recent terror attach in Orlando Fl, gun control laws, what the US should do about ISIS and other radical Islamist groups and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Wisconsin State Representative Eric Genrich
In this episode of Political Radar Rhonda and Elliot welcome Eric Genrich, Wisconsin State Representative for assembly district 90. They discuss many topics including gerrymandering in the Wisconsin legislative branch, The legalization of marijuana, and correctional facility reforms in Wisconsin.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Erik Hoyer
In this episode of Political Radar Rhonda and Elliot welcome Erik Hoyer, Brown County Supervisor for District 4. They discuss many local topics including safety issues at Fonferek Glen park, possible health risks facing the Brown County area such as windmills, coal piles, the Sanimax plant and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Alderperson Randy Scannell
In this episode of Political Radar Rhonda and Elliot welcome Randy Scannell, City of Green Bay Alderperson for District 7. They discuss many local topics including the City of Green Bay Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, Big Top Baseball's stadium proposal, wine licenses and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Alderperson Chris Wery
In this episode of Political Radar Rhonda and Elliot welcome Chris Wery, City of Green Bay Alderperson for District 8. They discuss many local topics including Colburn Pool, the Lambeau Field sales tax funds, local road repair issues and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with "The People's Watchdog" Scott Williams
In this episode of Political radar Rhonda and Elliot welcome "The People's Watchdog" Scott Williams. Scott is a political activist in Brown County and a former candidate for the Brown County Board. They discuss many local topics including the Sanimax Plant in Howard WI, the payout to former Brown County corporation counsel Juliana Ruenzel, Shirley wind farm health concerns, and much more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Green Bay Alderperson Joe Moore
In this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Joe Moore, City of Green Bay Alderperson for District 6. They discuss many local topics including Colburn pool, lead pipe replacement, Lambeau Field sales tax funds, and much more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A discussion with Brown County Supervisor Mark Becker
On this episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot welcome Brown County Supervisor Mark Becker. They cover many local topics including the payment of $61,000 to former Corporation Counsel Juliana Ruenzel, the Lambeau Field sales tax, and the Shirley Wind Farm. Additionally, they discuss national political issues including Donald Trump, the Republican presidential primary process and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Poolgate - A Conversation with Debbie Jacques
In this episode of Political radar Rhonda and Elliot discuss Green Bay's “Poolgate” with Debbie Jacques. Debbie, who ran against Alderman Chris Wery for his council seat for District 8. They discuss Tundra Lodge's proposal to build an Olympic sized swimming pool and key political leaders stances on the issue.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Presidential Politics Review for the Week of May 9, 2016
Rhonda and Elliott take a detailed look at the current presidential election process, candidates and their supporters. They cover many topics including: Do people really support Donald Trump? Can Bernie Sanders win? Will Bernie Sanders supporters support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? should Larry Wilmore use the N-word? and many more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : A Discussion With Green Bay Alderman William "Bill" Galvin
Rhonda and Elliot welcome William "Bill" Galvin, who ran against Rhonda, for the Green Bay City Council seat representing District 4. Rhonda, Elliot and Alderman Galvin discuss many topics effecting the city of Green Bay including the City of Green Bay Code of Conduct for Elected Officials, Colburn Pool, the outdoor events center proposal and more.
Political Radar Podcast [Archived] Episode : Swimming Pools, Baseball Stadiums and Beer!
In the first episode of Political Radar, Rhonda and Elliot discuss many local political issues including fixing lead water pipes, building sports venues, single beer sales bans and more. On the national level they look at political party candidate selection processes, the Electoral College, voter ID laws and more.
Green Bay Newsmakers Episode : Rachel Sowinski, Owner of The Gift Itself
In this episode of Green Bay Newsmakers, Elliot interviews Rachel Sowinski, Owner of The Gift Itself.
Green Bay Newsmakers Episode : Cory Nicklaus, Owner of Liberty Café
In this episode of Green Bay Newsmakers, Elliot interviews Cory Nicklaus, Owner of Liberty Café.
Green Bay Newsmakers Episode : Daniel Jones, Founder and CEO of ReleaseWire
In the first episode of Green Bay Newsmakers, Elliot interviews Daniel Jones, Founder and CEO of ReleaseWire and Newsmakers Podcast Network.